Schuylkill & Delaware River Projects

The Delaware Avenue Extension

The Philadelphia Streets Department is extending Delaware Avenue north from Lewis Street to Buckius Street, including a new bridge over the Frankford Creek. The project will consist of a two-lane highway, with acquisition of right-of-way for pedestrian use. These changes will relieve truck congestion on Richmond Avenue and improve pedestrian access. Subsequent ‘softening’ of the section’s character could occur as non-industrial uses gradually replace existing industrial activities.

Schuylkill Banks

The Schuylkill River Development Corporation is a public private partnership leading the development of Schuylkill Banks. SRDC works with federal, state, city and private agencies to coordinate, plan and implement economic, recreational, environmental and cultural improvements and tourism initiatives on the lower Schuylkill River between the Fairmount Dam and the Delaware River.

the Schuylkill is a popular trail for bicyclists, joggers, pedestrians, and families

Delaware River Waterfront

The Delaware River Waterfront Corporation is a nonprofit corporation that manages a suite of projects that will catalyze the  Central Delaware River waterfront’s transformation into a destination for recreation, culture, and commerce.


The Tidal Delaware Water Trail

The Tidal Delaware Water Trail is a key part of the Pennsylvania Environmental Council‘s strategy to connect users of land-based recreation to the river itself, and thus create a core constituency of new water-recreation users. The Tidal Delaware Water Trail was launched in  2008 with the debut of a website to serve as a local clearinghouse of information and social media portal for recreational users in the region.

Race Street Pier is a popular destination along the Central Waterfront

By promoting the trail through a network of user groups, economic development and tourism organizations, businesses, and local governments, the Council has been building demand for river recreation and providing additional opportunities to experience and steward the river. For example, the launch of a public kayaking program in the basin at Penn’s Landing during the Summer of 2009 reached over 800 residents and visitors, and is now being outsourced as a self-sustaining operation.

Greenway Projects