This past Monday, Commissioner Kathryn Ott Lovell, Councilman Bobby Henon, State Senator John Sabatina, William Penn Watershed Program Director Andrew Johnson and other special guests joined members of the community at Frankford Boat Launch to cut the ribbon on the newest segment of the K&T Trail. This 1.15-mile trail segment which broke ground in June 2016, is the newest addition to the North Delaware Riverfront Greenway. This trail also serves as an important link in the Circuit Trails, the region’s multi-use trail network of more than 320 miles of completed trails.
The completed segment of the K&T Trail connects the Frankford Boat Launch to Lardner’s Point Park via a 12-foot wide multi-use trail, and terminates two blocks north of the Tacony-Palmyra Bridge at Magee Avenue. A second phase of the K&T Trail, which is currently in design, will extend this trail to the Tacony Boat Launch at Princeton Avenue.
The K&T Trail follows the path of an abandoned freight rail line and has transformed a previously abandoned and overgrown post-industrial landscape, to a green, open-space corridor along the Delaware River. Designed to reconnect the surrounding community to the river, the trail includes the addition of 80 trees, 1,000 shrubs, 6,500 grasses and perennials, two new acres of meadow, 14 benches and seven new trash receptacles. Along the trail, users will traverse a former railroad bridge that has been converted to a fifty-foot long multi-use trail over the remnants of the Wissinoming Creek.